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s1 09 Gardening


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[学习本文需要基础词汇量:2,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:2,000 ]

I'm Peppa Pig. This
is my little brother, George.

This is Mummy Pig.

And this is Daddy Pig.

Peppa Pig.


Peppa and George are playing at
Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig's house.

Grandpa! Catch!


What's this?

Dine-Saw! Grrrrr!

A dinosaur!

Grandpa, what are you doing?

I'm planting these seeds.

Seeds? What do seeds do?

Seeds grow into plants.

I just make a little hole
and put the seed in.

Then I cover it with earth
and water it.

Everything in my garden

grows from tiny seeds
like these.

Even the big apple tree?

Oh! Yes!

This tiny seed...

...will grow into
a little apple tree, like this.


And that little apple tree

Will grow into a big apple tree like this.


Mmmm !

And inside this apple are more seeds.

To make more apple trees!


Grandpa! Grandpa!
I want to plant a seed!

Would you like to plant
a strawberry seed?

Yes, please!

This seed will grow into
a lovely strawberry plant.

First, make a little hole.

Then I put the seed in
and cover it with earth.

Shall I water it for you?

No! No! I want to water it.

Good! Now we
wait for it to grow.

Peppa and George are waiting
for the seed to grow.

It's not doing anything!

You will have
to be patient, Peppa.

It will take a long time
to grow.

Peppa! George!
It's time to go home.

But we're waiting for
my strawberry plant to grow!

I wanted strawberries for teas.

Don't worry, Peppa.

Next time you come,

the seed will have
grown into a plant.

And we will have


Come on, Peppa.

Bye bye, Grandpa.
Bye bye, strawberry.

Grandpa Pig looks after
Peppa's strawberry plant.

After many days,

Grandpa Pig finds a tiny plant growing.

Day by day, the plant
grows bigger and bigger.

Then one day, Grandpa Pig
finds something very special.


Grandpa! We're back!

Peppa and George have
come to play again.

Grandpa! Grandpa!
Did my plant grow?

Yes! Look!



Thank you, Grandpa!

Grandpa, can we plant
something else?

Yes! Now, it's George's
turn to choose.

Yes! You choose, George.

Choose... a carrot!

Grandpa, I think George
wants to grow a carrot.

George, would you
like to grow a carrot?


What would you like to grow?

George has thought of
something he wants to grow.


George wants to
grow a dinosaur tree!

Silly George!

Dinosaurs don't grow on trees.

Dine-saw. Grrrrr....

I'm Peppa Pig.
This is my little brother, George.


apple [ˈæpl] n. 苹果,苹果树,苹果似的东西;[美俚]炸弹,手榴弹,(棒球的)球;[美俚]人,家伙。 {zk gk :2446}

silly [ˈsɪli] n. 傻瓜 adj. 愚蠢的;不明事理的;没头脑的 n. (Silly)人名;(匈)希伊;(法)西利 {zk gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl :2789}

bye [baɪ] n. 轮空;次要的东西 int. 再见 adj. 次要的 n. (Bye)人名;(挪)比埃;(中)拜(广东话·威妥玛);(英)拜伊;(瑞典)比耶 {zk gk :4072}

carrot [ˈkærət] n. 胡萝卜 诱饵 {gk cet4 cet6 ky ielts :4597}

dinosaurs ['daɪnəsɔ:z] n. [古生] 恐龙(dinosaur的复数形式);恐龙类 { :5326}

dinosaur [ˈdaɪnəsɔ:(r)] n. 恐龙;过时、落伍的人或事物 {gk toefl :5326}

strawberries [st'rɔ:brɪz] n. 草莓(strawberry的复数);(粤)士多啤梨 { :5437}

strawberry [ˈstrɔ:bəri] n. 草莓;草莓色 {zk gk cet4 cet6 ky :5437}

gardening ['ɡɑ:dnɪŋ] n. 园艺;园林工人的工作 {gk :5625}

ouch [aʊtʃ] n. 扣环 int. 哎哟(突然疼痛时发出的声音) n. (Ouch)人名;(柬)乌 {gk :15065}

mmmm [ ] int. 嗯;呣 { :24085}

seed [si:d] n. 种子;根据;精液;萌芽;子孙;原由 vt. 播种;结实;成熟;去…籽 vi. 播种;(植物)结实 n. (Seed)人名;(英)锡德 {gk cet4 cet6 ky :1919}

seeds [si:dz] n. 种子;种子选手(seed的复数);种子状物;子孙后代 v. 播种;取出…的核;催化(seed的第三人称单数) n. (Seeds)人名;(英)西兹 { :1919}

grrrrr [ ] [网络] 咯咯声

oooh [ ] [网络] 噢;喔喔;呜

oooo [ ] [网络] Obsessive-Object-Orientation Obliquity; 火; 呜

a seed [ ] [网络] 种子;一粒种子;一颗种子

a strawberry [ ] [网络] 草莓;一只草莓;一颗草莓

apple tree [ˈæpl tri:] un. 苹果树 [网络] 苹果树图片;两个邻居谈论苹果树;爱心树

apple trees [ ] [网络] 苹果树体;三棵苹果树

Big Apple [ ] na. 大地方(纽约市的别称);最重要部分;注意的中心;焦点 [网络] 大苹果;大苹果城;大苹果-纽约的别称

bye bye [ ] n. 〈儿〉瞌瞌;床 adv. 上床 int. 再会 [网络] 再见;白白,拜拜,再见;玛丽亚凯莉

carrot ? [ ] 胡萝卜

don't worry [ ] [网络] 别担心;不要担心;别着急

seed growing [ ] 种子繁育

the Big Apple [ ] n. 〈非正式〉【城】纽约 [网络] 大苹果;纽约城;大苹果城

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
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